
Welcome to The Write Lab.

The Write Lab is a space dedicated to supporting non-fiction writers, independent researchers, academics and scholars through collectively accessing our creativity, connection and community.

We run writing rooms, workshops and events to help you get that current writing project done.

The Write Lab – Writing Room Every Friday at 12 o’clock the lab opens via Zoom with a brief check-in on how everyone is doing and what we’re all working on. We then mute ourselves and work in silence, in community, on our latest writing projects. Whether it’s a paper, journal article, presentation, book chapter, scholarly manuscript, pitch proposal etc., it is amazing what you can get done in less than hour in The Write Lab.

You are hugely welcome to join us at our free weekly writing room via the Calendly link here.

Writing is a solitary activity. But you don’t have to be alone in the work you create.